Flow-Count放射性HPLC检测仪 radio-HPLC Detector System

单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 北京市 通州区
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-08-29 22:47
浏览次数: 200
Flow-Count放射性HPLC检测仪 radio-HPLC Detector System

Flow-Count is a flexible & low cost radioisotope HPLC detection system…designed for the remote detection of a wide range of isotopes
Flow-Count is compatible with most HPLC systems…and has a variety of shielding, detector, and flow cell options to meet many different needs
Flow-Count uses specially configured photomultipliers--and/or PIN diode detectors--to detect positron, gamma, and high energy beta emitters at both high & low levels of activity.
Use the Flow-Count in your HPLC system…to eliminate the need for fraction collection and scintillation counting.
In addition to using lead shielding, background interference is reduced by using variable-energy window settings. Sensitivity is easily optimized by adjusting flow cell volumes and integration times. Several detector holders and flow cells are available to suit your particular application requirements.

The standard 0-1 volt analog output--or the optional extended range module for high-resolution--is normally used to connect Flow-Count to your existing chromatography data system. The digital TTL pulse output is used with BioChrom radio-chromatography software for maximum sensitivity, dynamic range, and optional cGMP and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.
Here are just some of the advantages of Bioscan's Flow-Count…
? Various flow cells and holders…for most types of applications
? Capable of monitoring 2 detectors simultaneously
? Lead-shielded detector and flow cell holders
? Flow cells are easily adjusted & disposable
? Standard analog and TTL outputs
? Optional extended-range module…for 6-decade dynamic range
? Compatible with most chromatography data systems

Huaruison Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Address:No.16 guanghuaRoad,Tongzhou Development Zone Beijing 10100,P.R.China

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